
Come on with me to an American pharmacy. I'd like to take you inside of an American pharmacy to showyou what it's like. And if you ever visit the US and you need to visit a pharmacy or you would liketo, I'd like to help you make that a smoother and easier experience. And like always, I have createda free PDF worksheet with all of today's important expressions, ideas, and helpful tips to help you..
생각이 많을 때 영어로 도망치기 으으으으으으
현재 방식 1. 작성된 영어문장을 최소 10회 이상 반복해서 소리 내서 말하기 2. 영문 하단에 번역기 없이 해석을 쓰기 3. 몰랐던 부분 하단에 적고 복습하기 1953년 1월, 조수의 급증이 북해를 흔들었다. 거대한 파도는 네덜란드 해안을 범람했다. 약 2천 명이 죽었다. 54년 뒤 그지역에서 비슷한 폭풍이 위협했다. 하지만 이번에 더치는 준비되어있었다. 물이 불어나자, 최첨단 컴퓨터 센서의 비상 프로토콜이 작동했다. 30분 뒤 한쌍의 240미터 강철 팔이 닫혔다 해로 앞을 막으면서 680톤의 구(모양) 관절을 이용하였다. 그 방어막은 흔들리는 바람과 파도의 리듬에 맞춰 움직였다. 아침이 되었을 때, 폭풍은 작은 범람과 함께 지나갔다. 첫 번째 마이 슬란트 케링의 활동은 대 성공적이었다. In Janu..
I wanted to leave a long and perfect English sentence. As a result, I've been studying English steadily , but I didn't post on my blog steadily because It's not perfect. So I thought about how to post it steadily. In my conclusion, I should post it even if I studied a little. I'm thinking of going to the system that posting at least three times a week. Because I like to leave my mark on blog. wi..
I had written by NOTION about three month.
someone : Why do you wanna learn English? me : I guess if I can speak in English and talk to someone, It's very cool thing to me. I don't know why I think in that way. These are similar with most Europeans love tanning, you know? but there are no reason to love tanning They just want to have it because it's cool thing. I guess It's the same thing. you know what I mean? I just wanna be like a nat..
I wanna make a friends to study or play with me. My friends of university haven't been wanting to study on weekend. Today's weather is cloudy. I've left my home and I'm writing this post in coffee shop. If you read this post and hope to meet new people plz comments this post. I live near by subway Station of Seoul University. (I wish woman because of I'm man) bye
'ForeignLanguage/English' 카테고리의 글 목록